Old Fashioned Recipe


Old Fashioned is truly timeless with the cocktail realm. Nowadays, it can be hard to stand out among the crowd. But we have a few tips to really make you shine and your Old fashioned delicious!

Because Old Fashions are simply sugar, bitters, booze and ice we don’t really have much to work with. But with these simple ingredients, we can manipulate the drink in so many ways!

By playing with the sugar, we can dramatically influence the cocktail. Unrefined white sugar is what the traditional recipe calls for. Substitute a raw demerara, as in our Almost Neat Bourbon Old Fashioned, and it adds so much more depth and richness to the cocktail.

You can also try playing with things like maple syrup, honey or a home made cinnamon clove syrup to really spice things up.

How to make a traditional Old fashioned:


2 oz Bourbon

¼ oz Sugar

2 dash Bitters


Add all ingredients into an Old Fashion glass add ice and stir for 20 seconds.  Garnish with an Orange and Lemon Peel.